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Call for Papers

The conference committee would like to invite all ELL-LMS postgraduates to participate in the PGC 2017 as a presenter.


You are welcome to present your papers which may be based on your thesis, dissertations, CI projects, course assignments, other small-scale projects such as action research and teaching related projects. It is also appropriate to present preliminary findings from works in progress as this will be a valuable platform to receive constructive feedback from fellow students and professors. 


The length of each presentation is 25 minutes (20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q & A).



Abstract Submission  Guidelines

Abstracts should be between 100-200 words and should: 

  • state the subject area and theoretical frame of your research
  • demonstrate the importance or worth of the research to the field
  • indicate how your study fills a gap in knowledge or adds to existing knowledge
  • mention the methodology or research instruments used
  • announce principal findings (or indicate expected findings if not yet finished)
Keep your abstract simply worded, concise, and accurate.
The abstract is meant to entice audience members. It should also be comprehensible by fellow scholar who might be unfamiliar with your specific subject area. Please refer to the following descriptors when writing and revising your proposals.


For all who are interested in presenting, please download and complete the Presentation Proposal Form and submit your abstracts to the organising committee via by 6 March 2017. Accepted proposals will be notified by email by 24th March 2017 (Friday).
Registration for presenters and participants
The conference committee would like to invite all ELL and LMS postgraduate students to attend as participants. This will be an excellent opportunity for you to learn more about the various kinds of research studies conducted by fellow postgraduates as well as network with them and ELL and LMS faculty members.


All presenters and participants are required to register here to indicate your attendance as well as any special dietary food arrangement. We seek your cooperation to register promptly, so that the seating and food arrangements can be catered to your satisfaction


Should you need us to help with other matters, such as providing a letter to inform your school about your attendance at this conference, you may email us at
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